Hi! Welcome to my blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging.
Today I am off from work with my husband napping...
I just feel it is important to share our journey!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Biopsy Tomorrow!!

Jim will be having a temporal artery biopsy to see if the artery that supplies the left optic nerve has inflammation.. Now he sees nothing from the left eye....
The right eye, so far, is not affected.  If the biopsy tomorrow is positive for inflammation, he will receive high doses of steroids for a while and there will be some hope that his vision will return!!
We know from the previous tests that there is not a blood clot there (a good thing), and the retina is not torn, (another good thing), but the doctors are "stumped" about the cause of the rapid loss of vision Monday....(bad)...

We are expecting a "White Christmas" starting tomorrow night!

Butter & Jim ready to use the new Romba!
**Jim's new toy....

**Beautiful cat under our tree!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We Are Truly Blessed!

We have received so many Christmas cards this year....
Jim has been trying to reply to everyone...
Today his "eye problem" was diagnoised as a "small blood clot" near the retina...
His vision in his left eye is affected, but so far the right eye looks ok..
He will be getting more tests and will see another specialist in 2 weeks...

We are thankful for the vision he has and also for not having any other neuro deficits...

Now... I will post the Christmas cards that Sharron can't wait to see!!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our Second Christmas Will Be Here Soon!

One week from today Jim & I will be celebrating our 2nd Christmas following his diagnosis and surgery for his lung tumor!!!

What a great year this has been for both of us....
With each and every challenge, we have discovered how much we have in our lives, each other, our family, friends and our dear pets.....

This is indeed, a very special holiday approaching...

I am looking through our many albums of our past Christmases....

Sharing them on my blog will help me remember the many joys and and great memories of celebrations during the many years we have been married...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Home With Jim This Friday...

Jim is feeling better... but not sleeping well... (maybe he feels so much better with the nausea patch, he is just awake!)

I have worked only 2 days this week and Jim feels so guilty that I am "caring" for him... but...

when he didn't answer the phones yesterday for 2 hours.... I was frantic...
I "saw" him unconscious at the bottom of the stairs..
Frozen in the snow..
Lying on the floor after tripping on the kittens..
(Well, I won't go there)

As it turned out he went to the store in the car, (yes, he still has the second or third pair of keys..), and the went into the bedroom for a big nap without taking the phone with him....

After using all my energy with worry and anxiety, I slept, and slept & slept without much supper last night... (I guess the not eating part is a good thing!)

I am also finding that after these bouts of anxiety, I am very impatient with co-workers over very small (or not) things at work.. (not so good).
I am going to put Velcro on the cell phone and stick it to his chest!( Not really...)


**My friends and co-workers who make me laugh and keep me on the right path!.....
**My "Famo"!.....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Little Christmas Tree 2010

This is our "Little Christmas Tree 2010"....

(Before we decorate, of course)
The roots are frozen, but wrapped well...

More to come!.... Jim needs a nap...

Here Comes Santa!

The Murphy's are finally "getting in the spirit "!! (almost)

Yea! The Sancuso patch is on!!!!!! Jim is feeling better and has eaten breakfast.. (sort of)

My car is "frozen in place".... I will continue to blog until I can move it....

This is the Christmas card that my Aunt Cuddie sent us when we were less than a year old!


**"Ice melt" that comes in a "shaker"! (Like Shake & Bake, but Shake & Melt)!)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday.... We Have a Tree... (Really)

We finally have a Christmas tree... well sort of...

The poor little thing is hanging out the back window of my car....

(We will decorate it as soon as we can lift it out!)


**Childhood memories...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Update on Nausea Drug, Sancuso...

Jim has been really sick and emotionally drained without the Sancuso patch for nausea caused by chemotherapy....

We just got a call, (8pm), that a store in Macomb (75 miles from here) has it in stock and we will have it by tomorrow morning....

I have tried to reach the manufacture.... but have gotten nowhere!  Next week I will purchase another one for back-up, even at the personal cost of $400.00.. (It is just too hard to see Jim sick and angry with everything and everyone...)

Walking around the mall in Springfield was so depressing...
I cried with every song that was played in the stores...
More tears when I saw families and couples shoping...
I even cried while the guy did my pedicure....

Oh well.. After I clean my contacts, I am headed off to bed...

**New monopoly game for Christmas, (the "Christmas Story One"!)
**Baby Desi who makes me smile!


6pm... Wednesday...Yea!!
Jim now has a Sancuso patch!! (It was delivered to our Jacksonville Walgreens from Macomb...
Tomorrow will be a better day.....

Tuesday... Jim Still "Under the Weather"!

Yes, Jim is still "under the weather" & under the covers! (really) 
I am home with him... it is so tempting to go back to bed with him..... (not really).

The national shortage of Sansco (for nausea) has been a really disappointment!  This nausea patch has been a blessing for Jim!  We have not worried about the effect of chemotherapy since last January, due in part to Sansco.....

The report yesterday from Dr. Esplin was good...

Jim will receive his 10th dose of Alimta a week after Christmas...
It is hard to believe that he has taken this plus all the others without have life-threatening reactions!!

***More Blessings...

** Great Friends...
**New washer and less detergent (really)


I forgot to share that Jim was wearing my brown corduroy pants yesterday...
??? Maybe I have gained weight???
I think he has lost a little too much weight!  (really)

Monday, December 13, 2010

It's a Very Cold Monday!

(Just kidding... The toes look familiar!)

Today I am home with Jim...

We will be going to Dr. Esplin's later today...
He seems so frail...
Last night I realized that every thing, underwear, shirts, pants, even sweatshirts are too big....
We will probably go by the mall and pick up some smaller sweat suits today...

We ate every last bit of the chicken pot pie from Marikay... This was the first time we had food delivered to our front door on dry ice... nice!!!

It is very cold today...  (5 degrees!).The cats will not go outside with Butter... Our adopted "outside kitty", Rusty, is begging to come in....


**Adam & Denny who helped bring the groceries into the house!
**Angels who put "ice-melt" on our front steps!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Chemotherapy At Simmons Cancer Center Today!

Jim went with his friend, Dick Cody, to Springfield for chemotherapy at the Simmons Cancer Center...

For several months, Jim has been going to the Memorial Medical Center Infusion Unit, but because of his severe anxiety reaction last time, Dr. Esplin recommended a "quieter" environment for him...

The session went well, and he was able to read his new Nook!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thinking About Decorating the Christmas Tree....

Just thinking....

Maybe I should start to decorate for Christmas.... (really)

Jim is looking forward to getting a "real tree", (me, not so much!)

We are getting a tree to plant in the yard, so I won't feel so guilty about using a live tree!

Ricki did well at Dr. Ebrey's
Jim is doing well  and ready for chemotherapy tomorrow, (not really)


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stiches Out Today.... (Ricki)

Off to Dr. Ebry's today for stitch removal!:)

(That is if Jim can catch her to put her in the carrier....)

Just a note to self....

New washer.... use less detergent!!!