Hi! Welcome to my blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging.
Today I am off from work with my husband napping...
I just feel it is important to share our journey!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday.. A beautiful day

This is a short video that I made from the photos from friends and family of their "little ones".
Now all of us have many more to add, which I plan to do in the future...
What joy these little guys bring to our homes and lives...

It is a good day to celebrate with Jim the many friends, family and pets who mean so much to both of us...

We still feel the emptiness and betrayal from the college, but we have so much to be thankful and we must go on... this setback will not stop either of us from enjoying each other and the joys we will have in the future...


*Our true friends who give us hope and meaning..
*Our little furry friends who stay by our side at night and in our darkests moments give us love...


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