Hi! Welcome to my blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging.
Today I am off from work with my husband napping...
I just feel it is important to share our journey!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Everything Has Changed......

While Jim is taking an afternoon nap, I have decided to begin another blog.....(Why does it seem to take so much energy???)
I have looked back on my past blogs and have realized that there is so much I have not talked about....


How do we plan for our funerals when we still have hope that we will live together for many years to come???

Why do we keep Jim's car in the driveway when he has lost his vision???

Why do we talk about "little", meaningless things like the Royal Wedding when time together may end too soon???

Why do we watch Dancing with the Stars when we could be spending time together, sharing, loving and praying???

I want to believe that both Jim & I have faith that God will direct us through all the difficult decisions and challenges facing us.....we just want to have a little "normal" in our lives and in our home.

As Jim's friends gather for his "Get Well Reception" today, I want to stop the tears, the doubts and endless questioning.....

I'm so thankful for so much..... it should be easier to do!



Bonnie said...

You both have shown such remarkable strength from the onset of this ordeal - I'm sure there are days that you think you will not get through - but always you have a smile and a wave for a neighbor! I pray that you will have many more days together to enjoy that new porch!!!!

jan johnson said...

Please know that we love you both!

And yes, this is hard! I don't know why we don't hold hands more often or why we talk about silly things, but I'm guessing DWTS is the way we 'take a break' from the medical chaos which is now a lifestyle.

God's presence is with you and will remain with you, guiding you each and every step of the way. And when that journey is over, God will still be there.

My heart breaks for you and my prayers are unceasingly poured out to the Great Healer for you both.

Love, Jan Johnson

Marikay said...

I would only add to what Bonnie and Jan have said, that there is nothing easy about any of this.I think the reason for the car in the driveway and the tv shows is to keep some "normalcy" in your life.It's a challange that tests you every day and you have and are doing an amazing job.When I pray for Jim,I pray for you.Love

Unknown said...

I agree with all the other's comments in your blog and would just add that even though it seems watching DWTS is somewhat wasteful, you are still spending that time together enjoying something light and entertaining during this incredibly stressful time. I will continue to pray for God to intervene with his comforting and supportive strength to assist you both in the coming days.