Hi! Welcome to my blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging.
Today I am off from work with my husband napping...
I just feel it is important to share our journey!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Murphy's Household Trials & Tribulations

This week while we have been waiting to go to St. Louis, I have desperately tried to save money by doing my household chores and cutting back again on the Fancy Feast for the kittens... (also the out-door kitty named Rusty (by Jim) & Gutter-Boy (by me)...

 Tips and other things that really I shouldn't include in my blog, but oh well...

*Do not use husband's toothbrush to clean the little places around the faucet!(You guessed it, Jim brushed his teeth with it instead of the electric brush...)

*Do not use hair spray to clean the sink and tub...
(To save time, I was spraying my hair and cleaning the sink with Scrubbing Bubbles, and again you guessed it, I sprayed the hair spray on the sink and counter and the SB went on my nice clean hair...)

*Do not, I repeat, do not try to use Tub & Tile Spray to clean the garbage disposal while it is running.... (I'm ordering new contacts as we speak...)

*Limit trips to post office and Goodwill when thinking of other things..(I won't even try to explain this one...but just a hint... the boxes do look a little alike, right?)

*Keep the kittens fed!  (Dead things are on our front porch and they are climbing the bird cage for Milo!)

(To be continued...)
Now it is 4pm and I must call St. Louis... The sooner we get on the way, the better...
We may not have a home to come back to.. (just kidding).

Just a note to those of you who wish to clean your oven... DISMANTLE THE SMOKE ALARM

Also, kittens vomit all the dead stuff when they are back in bed or on the living room carpet... (no pictures will be sent.. use your imagination!

Oh... why do we always have so much trash compared to our neighbor, Bonnie? (Today is trash day.. yea.)

Bonnie's trash....
Murphy's Trash....................

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